When you donate RV or donate your boat to a vehicle donation charity, you'll receive a great tax deducation and other benefits too. See all the reasons you should look into car donation with our car donation FAQ.
In planning our travels, we often overlook a free source of valuable information -- the official State tourism offices. Most have toll-free numbers and will snail-mail a wealth of information to you upon request. We have listed phone numbers here along with links to the official State websites.
Alabama (800) ALABAMA Alaska (907) 465-2010 Arizona (602) 542-8687 Arkansas (800) NATURAL California (800) TO-CALIF Colorado (800) COLORADO Connecticut (800) CT-BOUND Delaware (800) 441-8846 Florida (904) 487-1462 Georgia (800) VISIT-GA Hawaii (808) 923-1811 Idaho (800) 635-7820 Indiana (800) 289-6646 Iowa (800) 345-IOWA Kansas (800) 2-KANSAS Kentucky (800) 225-TRIP Louisiana (800) 33-GUMBO Maine (800) 533-9595 Massachusetts (800) 447-MASS Michigan (800) 5432-YES Minnesota (800) 657-3700 Mississippi (800) WARMEST Missouri (800) 877-1234 Montana (800) VISIT-MT Nebraska (800) 288-4307 Nevada (800) NEVADA New Hampshire (603) 271-2343 New Jersey (800) JERSEY-7 New Mexico (800) 545-2040 New York (800) CALL-NYS North Carolina (800) VISIT-NC North Dakota (800) 435-5663 Ohio (800) BUCKEYE Oklahoma (800) 652-6552 Oregon (800) 547-7842 Pennsylvania (800) VISIT-PA Rhode Island (800) 556-2484 South Carolina (803) 734-0122 South Dakota (800) S-DAKOTA Tennessee (615) 741-2158 Texas (800) 88-88-TEX Utah (801) 538-1030 Vermont (802) 828-3236 Virginia (800) VISIT-VA Washington (800) 544-1800 West Virginia (800) 225-5982 Wisconsin (800) 432-8747 Wyoming (800) 225-5996